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Energy demand – Energy Country Profile

Energy Demand

After 3.4%/year growth between 2013 and 2018, oil consumption dipped by 5.5% in 2019; however it increased consumption to 7% in 2021.
Natural gas consumption, which decreased sharply (-3.9%/year) between 2001 and 2014, recovered subsequently (+3.2%/year) until 2019, in which gas consumption rose by 8.3%, especially in the power sector (+85%, thanks to low wholesale gas prices). Coal and lignite consumption fell by 14% in 2019, continuing its downward trend since 1990. 
The national target to increase the share of renewables in final consumption to 14% in 2021 was achieved (17% in 2019), of which 24% was for electricity (22% in 2019), nearly 15% for heating, and 10% for transport. The NECP aims to raise this share to 19% in 2030, including 27% for electricity, 19% for heating, and 14% in transport.

Electricity consumption has increased by an average of 1%/year since 2010, remaining stable in 2018 (-0.5%) and growing by 1.5% in 2019 to 27 TWh. According to preliminary statistics, it increasedby 3% in 2021.


Slovakia's energy consumption has continued to decline since 2002; this decline was mainly the result of a restructuring of energy-intensive industries, including the chemical, iron and steel industries. The industrial sector accounted for the highest share of final consumption with 36%, followed by the residential, tertiary, agriculture sector with 33%, transport with 20% and non-energy uses with 11%.


Last update: 07 2023