Renewable Energy
North Macedonia considers itself a relatively clean country, "since the level of pollution of the environment remains within the limits of tolerable technical parameters". (Black Sea Energy Review May 2000). In the past, use of renewable energy sources in North Macedonia included hydro energy (for electricity generation), biomass (mostly wood mass for household heat), geothermal energy (to a large extent for greenhouse heating purposes) and a modest use of solar energy (for household hot water) and biofuels.
The targets specified for Renewable Energy Sources are expected as follows:
- electricity generation from Small Hydro Power Plants: 216 GWh
- from Wind Power Plants: 300 GWh,
- from Photovoltaic systems: 14 GWh,
- from Thermal Power Plants- using biomass: 50 GWh, and
- from biogas: 20 GWh,
The specified targets would secure an electricity generation of nearly 600 GWh.
Last update: 07 2023