EUR 48.2 million under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) were recently approved in order to help the Slovenian transmission system operator ELES to…
The Slovenian Energy Agency has invited applications for incentives to support electricity production from renewable energy sources and…
In recent news, the government of the Slovak Republic announced plans to end subsidies for domestic coal mining operations by 2023
Petrol, the Slovenian energy company officially unveiled the 4.8 MW HPP Jeleč, a small hydropower plant in Bosnia Herzegovina on the Govza River.
The Slovenian GEN-I Group in cooperation with PZ Gospojai set up its first solar power plant in Croatia.
Photo credit: Pixabay: PublicDomainPictures
The Slovenian Power Market Operator, Borzen…
Croatian power exchange (CROPEX) and its Slovenian counterpart, BSP SouthPool, have announced they will merge on June 19 and join the rest of Europe…
Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia & Slovenia updated with new look
In scope of the Central European Green Corridor (CEGC) project, 115 quick-charge stations for electric vehicles are now ready to use in five European…
The Slovenian energy service company GGE is offering new financial services