The Government of Montenegro approved a 30-year concession of two land plots in Ulcinj municipality for the construction of a photovoltaic plant which…
Regulatory Board sets priorities. At its 41st plenary meeting, the Energy Community Regulatory Board (ECRB) set out its objectives and priorities for…
Cooperation Arrangement that will strengthen regulatory cooperation between energy regulators across Europe through to the Mediterranean, South East…
To help countries in the region design and implement an Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme in line with Article 7 of the EU Energy Efficiency…
Energy Community has to step up efforts to prepare for the clean energy transition
The national energy regulatory of Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia recently announced the establishment of a permanent advisory…
The new program aims to reduce the heating costs of the households and create a more comfortable indoor environment as well as developing a biomass…
During his state visit to Montenegro Bulgaria’s Prime Minister Boyko Borissov proposed a joint venture for electricity transmission with the possible…
Power utility Elektroprivreda Crne Gore (EPCG) will invest EUR 40 million in the revitalization of two hydropower plants, Piva and Perućica, and EUR…
The Government of Montenegro invited bidders for a 30-year lease to a 6,621,121 m2 of state-owned land on the Briska Gora site in the municipality of…