Decleration signed to promote wind power in the Baltics
Lithuania is focusing on synchronizing its power grid to the rest of Continental/Western Europe.
The state owned energy group of Lithuania is building a EUR 345 million biomass and waste-fired cogeneration power plant in Vilnius that will be…
Time is needed for the development of off-shore wind power in Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia
Carbon dioxide emissions in the EU show a record-low indicating a decoupling of energy and economy as the latter one is experiencing an upward…
Lithuania plans to build its first electricity link to bordering Poland by January 1. The link would enhance the country's energy security and make it…
Plans to promote the development of wind energy will increase installed generation capacity of wind by 50% to 750 MW.
Lithuania and 18 other EU member states may exceed their 2020 renewable energy targets.
The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) published its "Global Wind Report" for the year 2014.