Transposition of the Third Energy Package into national law in Ukraine
Mr. Janez Kopač, Director of the Energy Community Secretariat in Vienna, expressed his belief that the transposition of the Third Energy Package into national Ukrainian law will enable a fully integrated and competitive gas market in Ukraine and contribute to the creation of a Single Energy Community Market.
On 5 March the Ukrainian Parliament adopted in its first reading the law on the gas market. The law’s adoption will fulfill the country’s obligation to transpose the Third Energy Package in the gas sector. A vote in a second reading is expected to take place during the upcoming plenary session in the second half of March.
The gas market law will provide a new regulatory framework for the gas market in Ukraine. Core elements of the third package include ownership unbundling (separation of transmission from production and supply of gas) and non-discriminatory access to gas infrastructure in line with Ukraine’s commitments under the Energy Community Treaty. All customers will be free to choose their gas supplier. The law will stop cross-subsidization and non-cost reflective prices, while providing for a robust framework for customers of gas.
It is expected that the adoption of the law in compliance with the Energy Community Treaty will ensure further involvement of IMF and World Bank in Ukraine.
The Energy Community Secretariat will continue its cooperation with the Ukrainian authorities for the development of secondary legislation and implementation of an effective unbundling model.
Source: Energy Community News, 5 March 2015