Energy Community has to step up efforts to prepare for the clean energy transition
District heating project using a renewable energy source, specifically wood chips.
The Green City Action Plan (GCAP) of the city of Banja Luka is being prepared, which is the first one in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).
Petrol, the Slovenian energy company officially unveiled the 4.8 MW HPP Jeleč, a small hydropower plant in Bosnia Herzegovina on the Govza River.
The Secretariat’s WB6 report on sustainability finds that progress in a number of measures has been achieved by governments, although more political…
Bosnia-Herzegovina (BIH) will apply for financing from the European Union IPA funds 2018 for environmental protection projects, BiH Foreign Trade and…
Bosnia-Herzegovina adopted its first energy efficiency action plan on a country level.
Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia & Slovenia updated with new look
Implementation of renewables needs to be done in an economic way
BiH as a member of the Energy Community has to comply with the acquis communautaire requesting the adoption of the law